The different side of space: A blogger’s perspective

07/03/2012 10:40

A blogger describes a different side of aerospace life—an account written in a very simple yet human perspective.

Anousheh Ansari is an American businesswoman who takes up a Masters degree in Astronomy at the Victoria’s Swinburne University of Technology. For her, space is not fun as what she expected.

According to Ansari’s blog, the space smelled like a ‘burned almond cookie.’ Of course, this comment has surprised and entertained the public due to the unusual insight.

In addition to her comments, the blog featured her day-to-day activities in space such as having breakfasts in the morning, washing her hair with the absence of gravity, coping up with the daily routine and several other common human activities. She did not focus on the technical stuff involved in the expedition since this was ‘boring’ for her.

Ansari wrote, nevertheless, her final words in space: “It is hard for me to write tonight.” For her, it was still a privilege to be able to see the other wonders of the universe.

Ansari took the 10-day expedition over space through a Soyuz spacecraft together with US astronaut Jeff Williams and Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov. The vehicle landed yesterday on the Kazakhstan plains.