Graphic design on travel guides

30/09/2011 10:45

Graphic design has been very vital in tourism, and graphic artist Kaie Wellman knows how to show tourists the different side of a city.

A native of Portland, Oregon, Kaie Wellman felt that travel guides should be taken seriously and colourfully.

A collection of her travel guides did not include the typical directions such as the whereabouts of the airport, the bank or the historic sites of a city. Instead, she gave much importance to the details, particularly her experiences on a particular spot in the city.

Surely, Kaie’s style became a hit to the Sex-and-the-City generation since her travel guide was more of a diary, describing the mood of a restaurant, a boutique and others.

Kaie then decided to maintain a website——to give updates to her followers.

As the name of the website suggests, Kaie focused only on two things: dining and shopping. One person might find in the website some of the most interesting places in the city, which are unknown to the many. She consistently features the ‘underrated’ side of a city—small coffee shops, novelty shops and bazaars invisible to the naked eye.

Kaie’s travel guides are sold in local shops primarily due to the artist’s defiance and rebellion. According to her, she just wants to encourage tourism in a very artistic manner.